Project Breakdown

Sep 22, 2022

Efforce Believes NFT Technology May Save the World

Efforce, a groundbreaking NFT-powered energy efficiency technology, has announced the impending release of its genesis collection. This is a fantastic collection of high utility NFTs that use the 'proof of contribution' idea to monitor involvement in energy-saving activities. allowing owners to stake their NFTs in one of a variety of initiatives in exchange for a part of the money saved.

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Inspired by Steve Wozniak

Efforce will provide 2,500 genesis NFTs to each project it begins, using an innovative new application of NFTs. The first two will be inspired by Apple and Efforce co-founder Steve Wozniak's authoritative demeanor, while keeping the platform's environmentally sound credentials by minting on the soon-to-be carbon negative Polygon network. Each NFT will be delivered in the shape of a 3D digital rendition of the great businessman, all produced in magnificent high quality to take pride and place in any serious collector's digital wallet, while remaining completely marketable on a variety of high grade NFT markets.


How Does It All Work?

In a nutshell, Efforce has developed a mechanism for tracking participation in energy-saving conservation programs using NFTs. Those who want to participate may buy one of 2,500 NFTs per project and then stake that NFT and a set quantity of WOZX, Efforce’s utility token, to win incentives. Efforce will utilize the cash earned via the project to launch no-cost energy-saving enterprises for participating firms. The corporation will then measure the amount of energy saved as a result of each endeavor and disburse 1% of those savings as stake rewards. Those that participate will begin receiving long-term income in the form of mWOZ tokens, which are tied to $1 USD of conserved energy once staked. However, if they choose to liquidate their holdings, they may exchange their positions on a secondary market.

Efforce has lined up two projects for the initial drop, totaling 5,000 NFTs. One to reorganize the firm's cooling and air-conditioning demands and the other to improve the energy efficiency of a sewage plant. The first will sell NFTs for $210 each, with a staking fee of $400 $WOZX. The second will trade at $190 and 380 $WOZX, respectively.

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