
Dec 8, 2022

A Judge Issues Subpoenas for "Three Arrows" Kyle Davies and Su Zhu

The court overseeing the bankruptcy proceedings of the crypto hedge firm Three Arrows Capital has subpoenaed the fund's co-founders, Su Zhu and Kyle Davies.

The ruling states that, from the time of 3AC's inception in 2012, liquidators may obtain any books, documents, records, and materials relating to the fund's property or financial affairs.

The former management of Three Arrows Capital has been given 14 days to hand over any documents or records relating to the company's assets and funds, per the ruling. Both private keys and seed phrases fall within this category.

In addition to Davies, the court ordered the names of the following as potential witnesses: Tai Ping Shan Limited, DeFiance Capital, Starry Night Capital, Mark Dubois, Cheuk Yao Pau, and Davies' wife, Kelly Chen.

Because of the domino effect that the bankruptcy of Terra LUNA produced, Three Arrows Capital filed for Chapter 15 bankruptcy protection. However, after the FTX fall, both Su Zhu and Kyle Davies unexpectedly reemerged, at least in part blaming the exchange for 3ACs' demise.

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