
Sep 17, 2022

Dynamic NFTs: Tokens That Change Over Time

The development of NFTs has entered its next stage. The capacity of dynamic NFTs (or dNFTs) to adapt and modify in response to external events and data is increasing the design area that NFTs may handle. 

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Currently, digital art is the most popular use of NFTs; artists create tokens that represent their digital works, and collectors may buy them to prove ownership. After being created, NFTs always have the same token ID. Remember that tagging information, which includes an NFT's description, picture, and more, is fully discretionary. An NFT, in its most basic form, is just a tradable token with a specific token ID.

Most NFTs nowadays are static NFTs, which are utilized mostly in play-to-earn gaming projects, digital collectibles, and NFT art projects. In addition to these applications, they provide a special benefit when digitizing physical objects like patents and property titles.

The name of the token, the characteristics it has, and the locations of any associated files are all defined in the NFT's metadata. The token ID is a persistent identification for verifying ownership, but the NFT metadata stores the pieces that give it practical value. The characteristics of generative NFT art projects tend to be diverse, with certain characteristics being more common than others. These characteristics are added to the metadata of an NFT along with an IPFS link to a picture or video that best represents the characteristics. These characteristics change in a dNFT in response to environmental stimuli.

Blockchain games may benefit from this feature in order to provide character advancement, a fundamental component of many different game formats. When a game begins with a playable NFT character, the NFT's metadata will display its first, baseline statistics. Metadata in the NFT is updated to represent the player's character's level as the player progresses through the game.

Source: OpenSea

Beeple, a digital artist, made one of the first NFTs to undergo a state transition. Beeple created the NFT artwork Crossroad in late 2020, just in time for the 2020 U.S. presidential election; its look was altered according to the results of the election. If Donald Trump were to win the election over Joe Biden, Beeple could simply turn a switch and an animation of Trump's fat body decaying in a park would play on the NFT. And if Trump were to win a second term, the NFT would play footage showing him rushing across a hellish landscape, Godzilla-style.

The present situation of Beeple's NFT is reflective of the fact that Biden defeated The Donald. But Beeple sold his NFT before that could occur, convincing customers that their purchase, despite their ignorance as to which NFT they would really get, would still serve to enshrine a moment in time in indelible form. Crossroad was originally sold by Beeple for $66,000, but one buyer was apparently moved by the story, as it was resold for a then-record $6.6 million.

Though it caused quite a stir when it was first introduced, Beeple's live NFT simply hinted at the possibility of NFTs that might alter their state. In a world where smart contracts can be programmed to do just about anything, NFTs can be made to update themselves without human intervention.

While time is still the primary factor in how living NFTs evolve, they may also take into account information from the current world to speed the process. Playground Studio released a collection of collectable NFTs of 2021 NBA Rookie of the Year LaMelo Ball on the NFT platform that year.


Professional athletes like LaMelo Ball, a rising star in the NBA, have been at the forefront of reimagining the player-fan connection by developing innovative dNFTs that use Chainlink Sports Data Feeds in the last year.

To date, eight distinct LaMelo Ball NFTs exist, each of which keeps track of a unique subset of LaMelo's individual player statistics (such as his field goal percentage, assist rate, or turnover rate). With LaMelo's continuing success, NFT holders may get entry to exclusive raffles and other NFT-only benefits.

As an excellent illustration of dNFTs that evolve in real time in response to environmental stimuli, LaMelo Ball NFTs are a great case in point. Player statistics in LaMelo are updated on-chain inside the NFT and have the potential to unlock a variety of in-game benefits, such as better visuals and more tokens.

Because their metadata is so flexible, dynamic NFTs are much more intriguing. Despite the fact that NFTs have made the blockchain world seem attractive, dynamic NFTs are what really make it shine. Despite their novelty, dynamic NFTs have the potential to revolutionize the relationship between NFT owners and the concepts represented by NFTs.

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